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In your church, there are many people with artistic gifts and talents. Too often, these people are not being put to good use within the Church. At the same time Christians are commanded in Matthew 28:19-20 to go into the world teaching and preaching, as well as making disciples. What if we take these special gifts of each person, sharpen them, equip them and use them in spreading the gospel? What if each individual is used artistically and creatively in a culturally relevant way? It would be such a blessing to the church!

We are told in I Timothy 4:14 to “not neglect the spiritual gift within you.” For any church to be successful they have to discover and implement the creative strengths of their congregation. When we do our part in equipping our talents in the church God will speak to us and move the creative folks in mighty ways. All we have to do is take the initiative to find out the talents in the church, encourage them to use their gift for the glory of God, because after all the gift was given to them by Him only, and specifically for His glory. We have a feeling that God will use art to bring about change in India.

Are you paying attention to the people that sit in front of you? What are their talents? Are you calling out the unique qualities of those whom you lead in order to grow God’s Kingdom?

We would love to engage with your artists (no matter how skilled they are) and create a culture for a passion for spreading the gospel through art. We will use live visual art and the Word of God to challenge your people to use their gifts to serve the Lord and others. It will be a blessing!

“Behold, I give you a wise and discerning mind, so that none like you has been before you and none like you shall arise after you.”

1 Kings 3:12

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