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  • Writer's pictureAshish Das

How Art Can Make Churches Great Again

Art and beauty are God’s ideas. They are His means of expressing His divine nature. The church should never see the arts as “worldly,” but rather a means for expressing and proclaiming His glory!

Art For God’s Sake

Art is an essential part of God’s purpose and plan. Since God is a creative being and we’re made in His image, we’re made to create. The church should be at the forefront of creativity.

There’s something beautiful about art. It’s completely human, yet it reveals the mystery of the Gospel in unique ways. Art captures attention. It invites people into a story. It could even be said that this generation can only be reached through the arts. The church needs the arts for the sake of gospel.

Art is a Vehicle to Spread God’s Message

God chose to express himself through the art form of narrative (the Biblical story) that, in turn, ignites the human imagination. Art unites us through shared songs, dance, stories and visual symbols.

God also uses art to redeem suffering and refresh the human spirit. Through art, the Holy Spirit conveys truth; not just of our own nature, but also of God’s beauty, abundance and compassion.

How Art Can Make Churches Great Again

If the Church is going to reach the current generation and those to come, it must create a culture of creativity within its congregation.

We must rebuild our creative heart. Here are some ways this restoration can begin:

Embrace Art in the Church

Welcoming art into our churches is the crucial first step, if for no other reason than for gospel. Future will be a culture founded on creativity and art. The sooner we embrace art the better for the body of Christ.

Pay for Great Art

In 1 Timothy, Paul states the importance of paying ministers. We need to start seeing our artists as ministers and start paying for their contributions. We rightfully take offerings for missionaries and guest speakers. But when it comes to artists, we pay only with opportunity and platform. Great art costs the artist. The least we can do is compensate them.

Demand A Higher Standard

The Church is, of course, meant to be a place of support and encouragement. However, we have to be careful that we don’t extend this to a point that costs us the quality of art.

Do it for Him

Embracing and incorporating art in various levels in church and ministries is an investment, a no-risk investment with much greater reward. Artfully leading people into Christ is the most rewarding experience of all.

There’s no greater reward than inspiring creation to return to its Creator.

Image credit: Eric Samuel Timm Painting Hope

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